A previous postcard swap - maps

I'm really behind. I took the time to photograph so many of the lovely postcards people submitted for the postcard swap last April, and then I never posted them. We've got another swap coming up, and before I get distracted with the new one, I thought I should finally post these first.

In April of 2018 we had a postcard swap in the Vintage Gluebooks and Pages group, with the theme of MAPS. The assignment was to make a 4" x 6" (10cm x 15cm) collaged postcard with at least a third of your materials being vintage or vintage inspired, and to use a map as one of your elements. The participation was spectacular. I had close to 150 postcards from 38 people, from 7 different countries.

a foot-tall stack of collaged postcards

I set my tea cup and saucer next to the stack to show the height of the stack, but the photo still didn't do the collection any justice.

I've put several together in a slideshow to scroll through. They're amazing! I love the variety of these. Hopefully after you're done looking through these, you'll be ready to participate in our next postcard swap beginning in January 2019.


5 doubts that stop creativity and how to overcome them


How to use a postcard as the basis for a collage