I've been inspired

Last Saturday I took a day-trip to San Francisco to meet my friend Pamela. Pamela is an amazing collage artist  -- one of the most talented that I know. We've discovered that we share a similar style, or at least are drawn to similar types of images and illustrations.

We've been admiring each other's work for several months now and knew that if we'd get together we'd have a lot to talk about, so when we made arrangements for me to come up to her studio I was so giddy, I couldn't resist telling my kids, "Mommy's got a play-date on Saturday!"

Her workspace is filled with so much inspiration and neat projects. Here's some of the loveliness on her desk.

Pamela's desk

And her tower of index cards. I love all those tabs.

index card tower

One of her awesome projects to make a piece of art on a Rolodex card, every single day.

Rolodex card art

Other artists also contribute to her collection, including me (yay!). She's been doing this for a couple of years so her collection is extensive. See her blog post for more amazing photos. All those cards represent a work of art. It's astounding, really. It would take a pleasant period of time to go through them all. I'd love to do that some morning, along with a cup of tea.

Rolodex collection

Another of her interests is in correspondence art, and actually this is where our paths crossed. We share a love of all things postal, so of course I wanted to see art she makes, she collects, and some of the ephemera she has for creating more.

letters and glassine

postage stamp book

Here are some of the postcards she has received from all over the world.

mail call

Field Notes

Another project that is very unique is her work on altered passports. She takes an old passport and tells a story with photos and ephemera of where this person has traveled. It's so creative! Read her description of how she comes up with the ideas on her blog. I want to create something with one of my old passports. I'm going to do some studying of these for a while first.


She also has glue books that I found fascinating. The covers come from hardcover Reader's Digest compilations.


All in all, we had a wonderful time. I brought some of my journals to share so with all of our sharing we didn't have that much time to create. That's ok. We're going to do it again someday :-)

rubber stamps

bingo cards

gummed labels



A Couple of "diary" vintage junk journal


The Little red book