A Couple of "diary" vintage junk journal

Lace journalFor 6 projects I will be making vintage junk journals using different collections from the designer Ephemera's Vintage Garden, who makes digital paper kits for download.The first two journals are done, and being that I am behind in posting, I'm going to post about both journals here. I can also note that I used the same paper kit for both journals; I'll be switching to a new collection for the next two projects.For these first two journals I used a collection called "Mabel's Diary", which consists of colors in red, black, cream, brown, and white. If you've read some of my earlier posts you'll know that red is my favorite color, so it's not surprising that I was drawn to this set. It's very dramatic and elegant.Mabel's Diary order pageSince I have such a nice collection of vintage illustrations and photos I've been collecting over these last few years, I wanted to use up a lot more of it, as well as use vintage lace.desk organizerFor my first project, I've called it "Dear diary", and made a cover with a lock that hooks over  knob. The cover is a book page layered with a single piece of tissue paper that was then inked in some brown stains until I had the right look. There's also a bit of lace at the left side.cover Dear diarysetting aside pieces and once I had my book assembled with my printed journal pages along with many tea-dyed pages, I went to work collaging and filling up the journal. 
I still have a few unidentified pieces, but I will get them recognized sooner or later. This one is still a bit of a work in progress, but it will be easy to complete.Here's the video on this one:https://youtu.be/cNvtPcGQY20

Un petit cadeau -- of postcards


I've been inspired