My week-long getaway to Portland

In mid-August I took a week-long trip to Portland for the purpose of attending a workshop towards the end of the week. Since the workshop was to begin on a Wednesday, I decided that I would come out a few days earlier to see the city. I had always wanted to see downtown Portland and some of the highlights of the city. I also had been yearning to take a trip on my own for years; to be free to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted to.

Oh, the places I'll go!

On my first full day, I wanted to start in the morning with Scrap PDX. I knew I was going to be there a while, and needed to have my mind sharp and my legs strong.

After I finished at Scrap, I walked to the Portland Art Museum where I went to see an exhibit called "Paris 1900: City of Entertainment". The paintings, fashion, furniture, and accessories were so interesting. 

From the museum I walked to Powell's Bookstore. Before I got there I found the swankiest Goodwill I'd ever seen.

Have you ever seen second-hand perfume on sale before? They're so pretty.

Powell's was all it was hyped up to be and more. Three stories of books? Used and new together?!! I spent a long time in there.

The only thing that wasn't so great was the cafe. It didn't have a lot of character, it was crowded and noisy, and the wooden chairs were not comfortable. I took a look around and decided to head elsewhere. Down the street was something delightful.

Petunias, Pies, and Pastries, a few blocks away serves gluten free and vegan treats, and boy, did they not disappoint! I ordered and sat in the most comfortable place, next to a big bright window.

I had picked up a few books while at Powell's, and "Steal like an Artist" was by far my favorite. Here's the description on Amazon: Nothing is original, so embrace influence, school yourself through the work of others, remix and reimagine to discover your own path." Right-on!! I'm on board for that!

I was enjoying my fantasy of being foot loose and fancy free, but a text from my 10-year-old brought me back to earth.

I responded and all was well (I double checked with my husband).

Back to my adventures, I spent the rest of my day on Hawthorne Boulevard, going in and out of shops. There are so many great eateries there, like this little place called the Hawthorne Fish House, which is where I ended up for dinner. I had a cod sandwich that really was exceptional, and a beer. Everything on the menu is gluten free and  how they managed to make a bread bun so good was beyond me. 

I walked a lot and got to spend my time as I wanted. In all, I had a wonderful experience in Portland and look forward to coming again!




My "Washed and Worn" journal making experience


Currency as paper ephemera