In Honor of the right to vote

"V is for vote". Not only is this election the most important election in my lifetime, this year marks the 100th anniversary of women officially getting the vote, across the nation. Like many, I am hyper aware of these two events, and am so grateful for the privilege and the responsibility of voting.

I decided to make a set of Rolodex cards in honor of the women's suffrage movement. On the back, I used the "vote" artistamps by Michael Wertz

I started with a full page of rotary cards. I like creating multiple cards at once, before tearing them out.

Once they are separated, I can go back and add more layers if I'd like. I did the same thing for the back side. I worked on the full page first, and then separated them.

The vote stamps are super fun. You can buy a whole sheet for $2!


Planning and creating in 2021!


Zine swap -- now open