Vintage memory book of my grandmother

sewing glue bookBack in August -- 9 months ago -- I began working on what I'm calling a memory book of my grandmother. I took a bunch of sewing related items like button cards, embroidery thread, sewing related paper sources and images, and then added photos of my grandmother to create something like a glue book.I used an old book and took the pages out, just using the covers.altered book coverI sewed in 4 signatures of 4 pages, 8 front and back. All together that's 32 pages that I collaged.IMG_8031IMG_8030IMG_8028IMG_8027It's taken a lot of thought to complete, including writing a little essay on memories I have of my grandmother and why she is important to me.And I still have 2 pages left to complete. I've run out of inspiration at the moment, but I'll find it again.


A Great haul of vintage papers


A Few collage cards