Vintage Gluebooks and Pages

banner for the Facebook group

You're invited to join an art group in Facebook, where we make collages made with vintage or vintage-inspired elements. It's called Vintage Gluebooks and Pages.

Over a year ago in May of 2017, I began this group on Facebook as a place where people who were interested in collage art could be encouraged to share their creations with others. I have to admit, I created the group partly for selfish reasons; I love to create collage art in a vintage style, and wanted to find like-minded people who would share with me their art and ideas too. 

With the encouragement of other artists, such as Debbie-Anne Parent from Ephemera's Vintage Garden, the membership quickly grew. I was so pleased to see that there was an interest in vintage papers for collaging and loved people's enthusiasm.

The group assignments

In order to keep the momentum and to encourage more people to create (and not just look), I started the #vgbpage project. They are weekly assignments from a set of prompts. For those who have trouble deciding and figuring out how to do a collage, narrowing down the choices by assigning objects to find really helps in the collage-making process. This was our first assignment:

Gather the following paper elements:

  • something round
  • a postage stamp
  • a paint chip
  • a piece of map
  • anything from the grocery store

If you don't have one of these elements, I always assign a bonus that can be used in place of one of the other pieces.

  • bonus: a form or part of a form

After you have all your pieces, decide where you want to make your collage (in a notebook, on an index card, etc.) and arrange your pieces to make a collage. You can use a piece of pattern paper and a piece of washi tape as embellishments as needed. 

Here's what Debbie-Anne Parent created, with her description below.

collage by Debbie-Anne Parent

It started with the telephone booth which is from food packaging I received in a RAK [random act of kindness] from the UK. The blue paint card is called 'cloudless day' and grabbed my heart because I then found the Manchester stamp in my stash. It just seemed fitting at this time.

The assignments have been very popular. Many people have told me that the assignments have helped them tremendously to overcome their fear of creating a collage. It is so gratifying to hear that. I'm extremely glad that I've been able to encourage people to make art and guide them to complete projects.

We've taken a break through the summer, but we'll begin again in September and continue with more assignments. If you're interested in joining us, look up Vintage Gluebooks and Pages on FaceBook, or click the link below.



Inspiration for a logo design


The Recipient joy factor