Trains, planes, and automobiles - postcard swap

Another great swap is over, and postcards have been mailed out. The theme was "trains, planes, and automobiles", and boy did we have all kinds of transportation represented!

These next ones practically say "road trip", don't they?

Don't you love motorcycles?! I'd never use it as a mode of transportation, but they are awesome machines. These are great collages!

Wilma made a lovely envelope to mail them to me too!

It's all about the maps on these done by Sharon. The stitching around the border on some of these is great too.

This "Scotland" card is so cool! Who would have though that you can mix bagpipes with a Mustang!

Yes, ships and boats count as forms of transportation. Double decker busses too.

Finding old advertisements for cars was definitely the most popular.

Jody made an amazing collaged card, done with paints too. I love this one on "Queen Bess", the first African-American female pilot. She got her license on 6/15/1921. So cool!

And here are a few of mine for the swap. I do kind of have a thing for planes.


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