The activity on my desk

While setting things temporarily on my new desk, I see tons of projects and things that I meant to do, to complete and never did so.

We're in the process of moving from one house to another, so in all the packing, things are getting shifted around. I do like that I have the opportunity to go through all of my papers and things, and luckily I have been given the time to do it; I don't need to rush.

I also see lots of great projects that I would like to do again.

The great thing is that by handling everything, little by little, I can really see the areas of interest that I continue to have, and new ideas form about what I'd like to create next.

I've also been catching up on my letter writing and mailing things off that are long overdue. I hope people have been (and continue to be) patient with my slow responses. I've just got a lot on my plate right now :-)



Telling stories though collage art


Postcard swap: The Sun, the moon, and the stars