Rolodex card collage art

After many months of thinking about an art collection in a Rolodex file and wishing that I could have one of my very own, I've started creating small collages on Rolodex cards that I can put in one of those Rolodex holders with a lid. First off, let me explain how I got the idea for Rolodex card collage art.

Getting inspired

Back in February of last year, I visited my friend Pamela's studio. She has the most amazing collection of collage-art Rolodex cards that I've had the pleasure of seeing in real life. Having the opportunity to flip through those little cards was so incredibly cool. Her collection is also a testament to her discipline in doing a collage a day (or just about) for a long time. Here are some photos:

a display of collaged cards in a rolodex file

postage stamp art

A stack of Rolodex cards are held in place by an oversized rubber stamp

If you want to read more about my visit to Pamela's studio, I wrote a post about it. I was hugely inspired.

Making my own

Though I wasn't ready to start my own collection, I began experimenting with creating my own Rolodex cards. Mainly I wanted to create a set that I could send to Pamela and have her include them within her collection. I love the idea that I have contributed and hope to further contribute to such a great project.

I had recently found sheets of perforated Rolodex cards that you could run through a printer. I decided to create a sheet done in a mail art theme. This was my sheet that I sent to Pamela.

a sheet of Rolodex cards done in mail art collages

Next I experimented with more papers and some modeling paste with stencils. These ones I kept for myself.

vintage papers collaged on Rolodex cards

Finally, a few months ago, I got a hold of a plastic Rolodex container where I could begin to put my cards. Now I had the excuse to begin to fill it up. I want to do both sides so I always take an extra bit of time to plan for that. Sometimes the back is a bit simpler, but still pretty.

looking down into a Rolodex folio

some mail-art collaged Rolodex cards in purple and orange

I'm definitely on my way. This is a project that I plant to be working on for years to come. Once one little altered Rolodex is full, it will be time to start another.



Things I learned from attending a postage stamp show


A Fabric junk journal