Global Priority Mail journal

Recently I put together a postal-themed journal for a postal-friend of mine. She sent me some wonderful no-longer-in-use forms and papers from the USPS. I wanted to create a journal and fill it with collage art with postage stamps. I also had the idea of embellishing the pages with some of the old postal ephemera she sent. I constructed the cover using a flat Global Priority Mail envelope that I cut down for the front and back. It became the "Global Priority Mail Journal".

I used another envelope to cut the length of the spine. I used a piece of Tyvek sandwiched between the 3 cover pieces, and cardboard I used as a backing and to make it more sturdy. The Tyvek allows it to bend at the hinges to make a cover (See my post on making journal covers if this makes no sense to you and you want to read more).

After I sewed in the three signatures to make up the journal, I asked some fellow mail artists to make some postcards to include in the journal.

The whole thing came out beautifully and I was so excited to mail it off to its destination in Tennessee.

The recipient loved it, I am happy to share. She sent me a wonderful response saying, "There has never been one made that is more loved or appreciated than this one!" I'm so pleased :-)


Jumping into the digital ephemera arena


Postage stamp art