Another mail-art junk journal

mail art junk journal 2I've been receiving so many postcards and beautiful envelopes filled with such lovely mail art that I decided I needed a "book" to contain it all. That the was the inspiration for putting together this junk journal.In addition to that, I've been steadily going through my postage stamps and when I found blocks or groupings of stamps on paper I found ways to include them in my journal.mail art junk journal 1mail art junk journal 3There is so much color in this book, and so much to look at. I never get bored thumbing through the pages.The cover was made with a large manila envelope. It came in the mail with some kind of advertisement that I didn't keep, but I thought the envelope might be good for something, so I kept it. At first I painted it with red, blue, lilac, and beige acrylic paint.cover mail art jjAfter that I collaged it with random bits of rubber stamped papers. I rubber stamped on top of that, and then added blocks of cancelled US postage stamps.close up of the coverI used a varnish as a top coat and added a little brown paint into the varnish just to mute and blend the colors a little. After everything was dry, I sprayed a little gold mist just to add another element of interest.A friend of mine from the mail art group I hang out with sent me a bunch of old postal forms she received from someone who works at the post office and knew she was interested in those kinds of things. She sent very neat pieces to me and I dispersed as many as I could within the pages.mail art junk journal 4This political campaign mailing tag is cool, as well as the dispatch unit postmark slip on the facing page.mail art junk journal 5Here are a few more pages
And here is the flip through in its entirety:

For the littlest journal artist


Adding pages to my US stamp journal